Saturday, September 29, 2007

GoNeutral Featured in JTA

JNF offers carbon offsets

The Jewish National Fund is launching an environmental awareness program that will propose offsetting carbon dioxide by planting trees in Israel.

In an announcement Thursday, JNF said its "GoNeutral" program is timed for Rosh Hashana... [read more]

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Go Neutral Bootcamp - Learn How To Raise Environmental Awareness

In support of JNF GoNeutral, Jewish National Fund is excited to offer JNF’s Go Neutral Bootcamp, which will take place on Monday, October 15 in New York City from 4:00 - 7:00PM. This free program will provide you with the tools you need to go back to your community, and raise environmental awareness, encourage action by reducing and offsetting carbon emissions while learning about and supporting JNF’s work in Israel.

The JNF Go Neutral Bootcamp will include a panel of environmental experts to teach about the environmental issues we are facing, breakout sessions to learn how the program works, and tactics to engage those in your community.

Please save the date of Monday, October 15. For more information and to register for the program please email Debra Scher at

Saturday, September 1, 2007

HEEB Magazine GoNeutral Ad

Check out our new ad which will be appearing in an upcoming issue of HEEB Magazine.